Almost all of us, at some point of time in our life, ask ourselves a few soul searching questions like “Who am I?” “What is my purpose in life?” “Am I really happy with what I am doing with my life?”
Some people do it while smoking a cigarette, a few people do it standing at the window and staring at the moon, few others do it as they lay awake in bed for many hours and for most of the people it is just a thought at the back of their mind as they walk through their daily routine.
I would be lying if I say that I have never asked myself these questions. In fact many times I have wondered standing at the window, looking at the moon…
Recently, I was asked to do a review for the book “Life on Purpose – Six Passages to an Inspired Life by Dr. Brad Swift”

When I began reading it, I read a few paragraphs casually till I read something that hit me really hard.
“I believe in a world where there are no accidents. It wasn’t a mistake or an accident that you picked up this book.” [In my case, I was picked [selected] to read this book]
After reading these lines I closed the book, somewhere deep within I felt that this book was sort of answer to my night time ponderings. I was meant to read this book…
I opened the book once again and began reading with more interest!
For those who ask the above mentioned questions to themselves, the author asks to imagine a few things to begin with.
Imagine a relationship in which the total focus is on you, on your life purpose and on living true to it…
Imagine someone listening not only to your words, but also to the soul behind them as it expresses its truest desires…
Imagine a relationship with a person who may, at times, appear even more committed to what you want in your life than you are…
Imagine that in this relationship, you can count on this person to absolutely tell you the truth with ruthless compassion – about the many gifts and talents that perhaps you have taken for granted, as well as where you might be selling out on who you really are…
I would be lying if I say that I have never asked myself these questions. In fact many times I have wondered standing at the window, looking at the moon…
Recently, I was asked to do a review for the book “Life on Purpose – Six Passages to an Inspired Life by Dr. Brad Swift”

When I began reading it, I read a few paragraphs casually till I read something that hit me really hard.
“I believe in a world where there are no accidents. It wasn’t a mistake or an accident that you picked up this book.” [In my case, I was picked [selected] to read this book]
After reading these lines I closed the book, somewhere deep within I felt that this book was sort of answer to my night time ponderings. I was meant to read this book…
I opened the book once again and began reading with more interest!
For those who ask the above mentioned questions to themselves, the author asks to imagine a few things to begin with.
Imagine a relationship in which the total focus is on you, on your life purpose and on living true to it…
Imagine someone listening not only to your words, but also to the soul behind them as it expresses its truest desires…
Imagine a relationship with a person who may, at times, appear even more committed to what you want in your life than you are…
Imagine that in this relationship, you can count on this person to absolutely tell you the truth with ruthless compassion – about the many gifts and talents that perhaps you have taken for granted, as well as where you might be selling out on who you really are…
This is where everything begins … the journey in search of a life purpose.
How many of us are really happy with what we are doing or what we have achieved in our lives? I have seen many friends complaining to me that they are not happy with their profession, their jobs and that work hinders with their relationship with their loved ones and all this is leading to depression.
The author, Dr. Brad Swift hits the nail on the head when he mentions that many of us make the mistake of considering what we are “doing” as our purpose in life.
As per what he says, “A life purpose is composed of vision, core values, and who you are (being), all held together with the glue of love and your relationship with God, a higher power, or your spirituality. It’s not about what you do. It shapes what you do. ”
The wrong notion about our purpose is the reason for the depression when we realize that we are not flourishing in what we are doing.
If you are not able to decide whether you are happy with your profession / job then ask one simple question to yourself, “Would I let my own child go through all the pain and suffering, moments of hard work, moments away from the loved ones, to reach where I have reached or achieve what I have achieved?” If the answer is “No” then you know what it means.
Anyways, back to the book …
I like how the author goes in a stepwise manner. Helping us to work on overcoming the obstacles that prevent us from realizing what our life purpose is and then continuing with realization of the purpose. This book does not give readymade answers to your questions; it is more like an exercise book that asks you to answer your questions on your own after providing the essential material.
This is not a novel, to be read in one go and imagine the characters playing their roles in front of your eyes. This is to be read taking your own time; here it is you who is meant to play the lead role.
You have to visualize yourself walking through your life. The reading is going to take time if you really follow the instructions and do the assignments. But if you have walked blindly for so many years in your life then a few more months is acceptable. And this time you have a guide with you.
The author has divided the book in two parts
1. Creating or knowing your life purpose
2. Living true to it
I would suggest that you read the book at a slow pace, keep it on table for a few days or few weeks and read again when you feel you are ready. Taking the assignments one after the other would seem to be boring.
The author, Dr. Brad Swift is not the professor / lecturer who stand at the blackboard throwing difficult questions at us expecting us to complete the assignment in limited period of time, instead he is like the personal coach / tutor who sits next to us and helps us in answering the questions. He also knows that studying for too long hours can make the assignment less interesting to the student.
The best part of the book is how the author discusses his own life experience and how he walked through his problems to finally find his life purpose. This gives a personal touch to the book.
As far as I am concerned, I liked the book and would definitely recommend it to my friends. But once again, it is my personal opinion. Other might have a completely different opinion. I am not the only one who has reviewed this book. The list of bloggers who have reviewed the book can be found here.
Author’s webpage
Life on Purpose – Six Passages to an Inspired Life by Dr. Brad Swift