Title: The Soul Charmer
Author: Richa Saxena
Publisher: Half Baked Beans
Language: English
No. of pages: 75
Year of Publication: 2016
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Remember the first time you uttered those three important words expressing your love or the first time when you said 'goodbye' to your loved one. The first time, you got a jolt in your heart or the first time you held a life in your arms.
Richa Saxena has tried to put forth a compilation of thirty-five surreal poems that would recreate that magic and unleash your deepest thoughts.
Seasons must have passed by, but that feeling still remains in the heart.
Her poems would revive those very thoughts, the ones said and the ones that remained unsaid .
About the Author:
Author: Richa Saxena
Publisher: Half Baked Beans
Language: English
No. of pages: 75
Year of Publication: 2016
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Remember the first time you uttered those three important words expressing your love or the first time when you said 'goodbye' to your loved one. The first time, you got a jolt in your heart or the first time you held a life in your arms.
Richa Saxena has tried to put forth a compilation of thirty-five surreal poems that would recreate that magic and unleash your deepest thoughts.
Seasons must have passed by, but that feeling still remains in the heart.
Her poems would revive those very thoughts, the ones said and the ones that remained unsaid .
“Before I say final Goodbye; let me touch your soul”.
A soul charmer, indeed. A dreamer. A tale knitter. Plays with words like fire.
There is a fire in her heart that keeps her going.
Meet her once and you would become a fan of Sir Isaac Newton. “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”. To know more, bounce your ideas on her and you’d know.
A qualified Company secretary. A law graduate. Content writer. Content curator. Copy editor. A writer. A baker by passion. A hacker who hacks into people’s mind and digs out their real self. Not a rule book follower. A typical Sagittarian. Impulsive. A homebird . A rebel. A woman of substance. A doting mother. A caring wife. A proud daughter.
Different roles, different shades. And she plays them all with Elan!
Read more about the book (and excerpts from the book) here.
My Views:
I do not remember ever reviewing a poetry book/e-book but this one I decided to. The author/poetess Richa Saxena approached me to promote the e-book on Writer's Ezine - my online magazine and while doing so I happened to read some sample poems from the book. I loved them and decided to buy the e-book immediately.
Took a while to start reading it but I finished it in half an hour max. The cover of the e-book does not do justice to the content of the e-book. Not every poem in the book is to be cherished, though each and every poem is filled with emotions and written in easy to understand language. Some poems touch your heart deeply and some stay with you for a long time. There are some scattered throughout the book that I was tempted to skip reading.
The poems are all about unexpressed love, suffering, nostalgia and life.
'The Sinful Night', which is one of my favorites has a touch of erotica to it. My other favorites are: She is the Girl, The Final Goodbye, Seasons of Love and Love me Tonight.
I would recommend this e-book to those who love poetry and are looking for a quick read.